
Berufserfahrung trifft perfektes Arbeitsumfeld.

Profis für Profis.
Hier kommt Ihr Karriere-Boost.

Ihre Erfahrung ist unsere gemeinsame Zukunft.
Sie sind Profi in Ihrem Beruf? Sie haben Lust, Teil eines leistungsfähigen und motivierten Teams zu werden? Sie wollen die Zukunft mit Ihrem Wissen verändern? Bei uns trägt jeder Einzelne dazu bei, unsere Vision, Marktführer im Bereich der Sicherheitssysteme zu werden, zu erreichen.

Was ist Ihr Spezialgebiet? Achten Sie darauf, dass unsere Produkte der höchsten Qualität entsprechen? Implementieren Sie neue Systeme, um unsere Arbeitsplätze effizienter zu gestalten? Erfinden Sie neue Technologien, um den Wettbewerbern einen Schritt voraus zu sein? Sie sind ein Held der Zahlen und liefern uns wertvolle Hinweise für die Planung und Zieldefinition unseres Unternehmens? Oder sind Sie der kreative Kopf, der uns mit neuen Ideen das Tor zum Erfolg öffnet? Wir setzten Ihr Expertenwissen und Ihre Führungsqualität an der richtigen Stelle ein! Werden Sie noch heute Teil von einem großen Ganzen! Wir zählen auf Sie!


Joyson Safety System setzt sich als Arbeitgeber für Chancengleichheit am Arbeitsmarkt ein und engagiert sich für Vielfalt. Was für uns zählt, ist der Mensch: Seine Stärken und seine Ziele. Bei uns erhalten alle die gleichen Einstellungs- und Karrieremöglichkeiten.

Stimmen unserer Mitarbeiter

Erfahrungen sollte man teilen — hier kommen sie zu Wort, unsere Fachkräfte von morgen.

  • "My work experience at Joyson Safety Systems Morocco started in 2012 as a maintenance clerk. At that time, and as a first job opportunity, the first thing that came to mind is to pursue my studies so that I acquire a deepened knowledge about my field of expertise. Working in Joyson Safety Systems Morocco was a great opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained through my studies. While pursuing my studies, I had the chance to be promoted as a maintenance technician then to a maintenance supervisor.
    This experience was definitely an added value to my career as it taught so many things in my field and other domains. What helped me the most is the interaction between the different entities of the company, which allowed me to further develop my management skills. The culture of sharing is a core component in our plant in Tangier which give all employees the opportunity to learn from others' experiences and expertise".
    Mohammed El Morabet Maintenance Supervisor, Morocco
  • După absolvirea facultăţii am intrat timid în colectivul Takata. Aici sunt într-o continuă dezvoltare profesională şi personală, iar fiecare zi este o nouă provocare ce mă pregăteşte pentru următoarele etape.
    Acum, dupa 14 ani pot spune că am dobândit un bagaj consistent de informaţii şi că am câştigat oameni dragi.
    Andreea Iuliana Achim Process Engineer, Romania
  • “Working with young and ambitious people, gives me motivation to proceed with my mission of creating and developing a Team who will work with full passion about automotive industry. We are focused on delivering quality and keeping people safe. My working experience and knowledge makes me to believe that, work, strive for acquisition of new knowledges and passion on job what you are doing move us ahead.” Mile Bojkov Production Manager, Macedonia
  • Being part of the Joyson Safety Systems Durban family, generates a superior feeling of self-worth and self-growth. Joyson Durban gave me the opportunity to rapidly grow personally and professionally. By building relationships with professionals, across continent teams that share the same sense of responsivity has resulted into even greater success and growth.
    Using this growth as a tool I’ve been able to filter this down onto other people as leaders in their own respective roles, which in turn results in the realising the corner stones of “Our Guiding Principles”.
    Ultimately the Joyson Durban family, is a family that lives the “strive to provide safety system solutions of the highest quality and reliability that allows our customers the design freedom and confidence to drive the next generation in mobility”.
    Walter Erik Scrooby Quality / Operations Excellence Manager, South Africa
  • Pracuji na personálním oddělení, těší mě, že mohu přispívat k péče o zaměstnance a jejich rozvoji a tím pomáhat celé společnosti k dosahování úspěchů. Iveta Poláková Employee Czech
  • Sunt Daniel Savu și lucrez de aproximativ 9 ani în Joyson Romania. Mi-am început activitatea ca Inginer Normare. În perioada respectivă am avut ocazia să învăț foarte multe lucruri despre procesele din fabrica de volane lucru care m-a ajutat extrem de mult în dezvoltarea profesională ulterioara. După aproximativ 1 an și jumătate am trecut în departamentul de Inginerie. Am început să îmi conturez cariera și în zona de leadership în momentul când am preluat poziția de Team Leader. In noua activitate pe lângă dezvoltarea abilităților de leader am reușit și să construiesc relații de încredere cu echipa pe care am coordonat-o.
    Managementul companiei a fost un real suport pentru mine în această perioadă și m-a sprijinit personal și profesional pentru următoarea etapă din viața mea și anume momentul în care am preluat managementul echipei de Prototipuri. Construiesc în continuare în această echipa alături de 30 de colegi. Sunt mândru de ei și de susținerea lor ori de câte ori am nevoie. De-a lungul timpului m-a preocupat mult să susțin evoluția profesională a colegilor din echipă să-i sprijini în creșterea profesională.
    În momentul de față fac parte și din echipa de Business Excellence și am avut oportunitatea de a vizita alte fabrici Joyson. Am fost expus așadar diverselor culturi și am interacționat cu oameni din lumea întreaga. Sunt 9 ani de când am ales acest drum și, uitându-mă în urma, pot spune că am făcut alegerea potrivită pentru mine.
    Savu Daniel Romania
  • Wir stellen uns seit über 20 Jahren den täglichen Herausforderungen im Automotiv Business. Unser Team vereint Fachkompetenz und Erfahrung und agiert in einem Umfeld mit viel Raum für individuelle berufliche Entfaltung. Ich schätze besonders den Teamgeist und das soziale Umfeld in dem sich Beruf und Familie vereinen lassen.“ Babett Pöschmann Germany
  • Pracuji na oddělení logistiky, nikdy bych neměnila. Společnost je přátelská, která vnímá potřeby zaměstnanců. V náročné osobní situaci mi vyšla vstříc, čehož si moc vážím. Milena Fulková Logistics, Czech
  • Mă numesc Flavia Popovici.
    Am ajuns să lucrez în Joyson România în iunie 2015 ca Inginer Simulare Numerică. Încă de atunci am avut oportunitatea să fac parte dintr-o echipă minunată. Este o imensă experiență de învățare posibilitatea de a lua contact cu cele mai noi tehnologii în industria de siguranță auto în special în zona de dezvoltare airbag-uri. Am reușit să înțeleg care sunt influențele pe care airbag-ul le are în momentul testării “sled” și “crash”. Am înțeles de asemenea, pe de o parte care sunt reglementările aplicabile iar pe de altă parte care sunt cerințele clienților pe partea de siguranță.
    Sunt foarte implicată în job-ul meu și determinate să devin un inginer mai bun în fiecare zi.
    Flavia Popovici Simulation Engineer, Romania
  • “Healthy work environment, continuous improvement and well traced career, are the key words I would use to define Joyson Safety Systems.
    On October 2016, I joined the company as an intern in the quality department. This has always seems to me as a highly valuable source of knowledge that never ends.
    6 months later, I was named officially as Supplier Quality Assurance Engineer, managing more than 20 suppliers from different countries, different product types and hence, different manufacturing processes.
    One of the smartest things in the Joyson Safety Systems culture basis I could talk about, is the polyvalence. Because of this, working as an SQA engineer was for me not only the supplier quality management, but I also had the right to learn about different positions, as the Quality Assurance Customer Liaison position, in which I was promoted one and half year later.
    Sharing knowledge, supporting beginners, knowing how to value other’s achievement, and non-stop motivation are what I see and live every day in Joyson Safety Systems. Thanks to everyone who made this happen. Thanks for letting me feel this proud today, being a member of the big Joyson Safety Systems family.”
    Chaimaa Barzouk, Customer Liaison Engineer Customer Liaison Engineer, Morocco
  • My name is Cimpoeru Cristina Florina.

    “I have joined Joyson in January 2004, as a process Engineer.
    As a process Engineer , I was in charge to develop new lines , new equipment based on certain specifications/ drawings , establish the layout of the lines , to assure capacity in production and all technical documentation for production .
    In autumn of 2014, I took the responsibility of Team Leader New Launch and Deputy . As New Launch coordinator I am responsible to assure all milestones accomplished in time , to make quotations for potential future projects , to monitor new projects since proto phase until implementation in serial conditions, coordinate activities for different projects and supervise my team.
    What keeps me in this company is that I enjoy my work , I had the chance to grow and develop my skills . Always learning new things and sharing my experiences with others is very satisfying
    Setting and achieving goals, clear expectations, recognition, feedback, quality and the variety of the training options are motivations for which I keep continue.

    I have a good relationship with my manager who gives me all support during this time and helps me grow “
    Cristina Florina Cimpoeru Process Engineer, Romania
  • Nastoupila jsem na pozici operátorky. Jsem ráda, že jsem mohla profesně postoupit na pozici kontrolorky kvality a následně na pozici, kde mám na starosti zákaznickou kvalitu. Ava Šandová Quality, Czech