
Theory and practice – an unbeatable team.

Are you a student – then we’ll make a great team!

»Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life« said Confucius. Apply your theoretical knowledge to practice already during your studies. We are well-prepared for combining studies with practice. Join our team as part of a traineeship or working student position. Get to know the processes of an international company and gather your first experiences of the working world with your newly acquired knowledge. We offer work experience in almost all technical, IT and business fields. Find your real passion together with us!


As an employer, Joyson Safety System is committed to equality in the employment market and diversity. For us, it is the individual that counts and their strengths and goals. We offer everyone the same entry and career opportunities.

What our students say

Experiences should be shared – here you, our specialists of the future, can have your say.

  • Als Werkstudentin bei Joyson Safety Systems in der Qualität, habe ich das perfekte Kontrastprogramm zu meinem theoretischen Hochschulalltag. Was mir besonders am Qualitätsmanagement gefällt, ist, dass es eine Schnittstelle zwischen vielen Bereichen darstellt und ich so bereits viel lernen konnte. Mich erwarten hier jeden Tag aufgeschlossene und hilfsbereite Kollegen, sodass stets ein angenehm lockeres Arbeitsklima herrscht und ich mit Freude meine abwechslungseichen Aufgaben erledigen kann. Ich bin froh ein Teil dieser großen Joyson-Familie sein zu dürfen und kann überzeugt sagen, dass es für mich der perfekte Einstieg ins Berufsleben ist. Johanna Staab Working Student Quality, Germany
  • Numele meu este Alexandra Miruna Tătaru, am 22 de ani, iar călătoria mea alături de familia Joyson România a început acum aproximativ 3 ani, când am primit șansa de a-mi desfășura stagiul de practică necesar în timpul facultății, în cadrul companiei.
    Consultând lista afișată de companie, am găsit un departament în care aș putea să pun în practică ceea ce am învățat până atunci la facultate iar cu emoțiile unui student care urmează să dea piept cu noutatea, am aplicat pentru acel program de practică, fiind apoi chemată la un interviu și acceptată în final.
    Am cunoscut mulți oameni frumoși, organizați și pregătiți, care și-au făcut timp să mă instruiască și să îmi facă cunoștință cu mediul și cultura unei multinaționale.
    La finalul stagiului de practica mi s-a oferit oportunitatea de a rămâne angajata a companiei, dar am rămas doar pe perioada vacanței, fiind o decizie personala. M-am întors acum 6 luni, cu forte proaspete, prin intermediul unui Internship, pentru a mă dezvolta pe plan profesional și pentru a aduce plus valoare companiei, în schimbul investiției pe care compania o face în procesul meu de dezvoltare.
    Alexandra Miruna Tătaru Intern, Romania
  • My internship experience at Joyson Safety Systems Morocco was a great opportunity for me to learn and complete the competences gained throughout my graduate studies. I had the chance to join the company's environment, health and safety team to work on my capstone project. This experience did not only allow me to apply the theoretical knowledge I acquired at university, but it also gave me a deepened look into the professional world. As I worked on different projects, I went through different hardships which were an occasion for me to develop my soft, technical as well as cognitive skills. I would like to seize this opportunity to thank Joyson Safety Morocco for their team spirit, cooperation and help throughout my internship period". Hajar Bouassab EHS Intern, Morocco
  • Pentru mine, programul „Working Student“ înseamnă oportunitatea de a dobândi experiență practică, de a interacționa cu profesioniști din domeniul de interes și totodată poate însemna un start de succes în carieră. Vă recomand să dobândiți această experiență pentru dezvoltarea profesională. Ionela Buricea Working Student, Romania
  • I started working in Joyson Safety Systems on the 1st March 2015 as a Leather sewing operator. In 2016 I was given an opportunity by the company to study a Diploma in Operations Management. After completing my Diploma in 2018, through application I was appointed as an Operations and Quality Intern. During my employment at Joyson Safety Systems Durban, I have gained an immense amount of knowledge and experience from the interaction of several Departments such as: Production; Quality; and Logistics. I am proud to say JSS has truly groomed me and I’m thankful for the opportunity. - Muziwakhe Edwin Madlala. Muziwakhe Edwin Madlala Student, South Africa
  • Während meines 3 jährigen BA-Studiums „Mittelständische Wirtschaft“ an der Berufsakademie in Glauchau ist die Joyson Safety Systems Sachsen GmbH mein Praxispartner. Im Betrieb gibt es für mich einen Durchlaufplan, der sich an die zu vermittelnden Themen der Theoriephase orientiert. Somit kann man gleich sehen, wie die Theorie in der Praxis gelebt wird. Jede Abteilung hat mich offen und freundlich aufgenommen. Auch deswegen war es kein Problem die Projektarbeiten und gegenwärtig die Bachelorarbeit in unterschiedlichen Abteilungen zu schreiben. Joyson als Praxispartner ist für mich genau die richtige Wahl zum erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Astrid Petzold Student, Germany