
Jól képzett és elkötelezett - a legjobb előfeltételek.

Ön befejezte főiskolai vagy egyetemi képzését, illetve lezárta a tanulmányait?
Itt a tökéltes lehetőség karrierje elindítására!.

Ez nem egy munkáról szól, hanem az Ön jövőjéről.

A tanulmányai befejezését követően csatlakozzon a Joyson Safety Systemhez! Gyakran az első munka teszi le a jövő alapkövét. Mi Önnel együtt indítjuk be a karrierjét. Érdekes feladatok és az első felelősségi körök várják Önt nálunk. Szeretne a területe szakértője, vagy vezető lenni? Mi elkísérjük Önt az úton és tovább fejlesztjük az erősségeit.


A Joyson Safety System nagy hangsúlyt fektet a munkaerőpiaci esélyegyenlőségre és maga is aktívan támogatja a sokoldalúságot. Az ember a legfontosabb számunkra: az erősségei és céljai. Nálunk mindenki ugyanazokat a karrier-lehetőségeket kapja.

A pályakezdőink mondják.

A tapasztalatokat meg kell osztani - itt jutnak szóhoz munkatársaink, mint a mi jövőbeli szakembereink.

  • “Joyson Safety Systems showed me how a ‘’book’’ looks in real production.
    It shows me how to start manage and develop in my career.
    Especially to focus, think and plan so I can provide safety systems solutions of the highest quality in automotive industry”
    Martina Miladinoska Process Engineer, Macedonia
  • Since I have started my career at Joyson România, I have gained many useful skills such as critical thinking, communication and teamwork. With every task I am offered I have the chance to learn something new, to improve myself. At JSS I found out what a strong team spirit really is and I definitely found a place to grow, both professionally and personally.

    De când am început să lucrez la JSS, am deprins o serie de abilități utile, cum ar fi: gândire analitică, comunicare și lucru în echipă. Cu fiecare sarcină primită, mi se oferă și șansa de a învăța ceva nou, de a mă îmbunătăți. La JSS am aflat ce este cu adevărat spiritul de echipă și am găsit un loc în care simt că pot să cresc atât din punct de vedere profesional cât și personal.

    Brigitta Vekas Romania
  • Un mediu de lucru unde promisiunile şi posibilităţile de dezvoltare menţionate la interviul de angajare se înfăptuiesc. Pe bune!!!
    Încă din al doilea an de facultate am participat la diverse proiecte în cadrul companiei după care am aplicat pentru internship în domeniul calităţii. Acest internship mi-a oferit ocazia de aprofundare a cunoştinţelor în acest domeniu. Am fost surprinsă să primesc postul promis într-un timp relativ scurt.
    La Takata mi-am găsit primul job si nu numai. Este un mediu de lucru antrenant, plin de provocări şi nicio zi nu seamănă cu cealaltă.
    Mihaela Silvana Ganga Quality Engineer, Romania
  • "Stagiile de practică pe care le-am desfășurat în cadrul companiei Joyson România pe perioada studenției mi-au oferit un nou sentiment de profesionalism și o viziune mai clară asupra a ceea ce însemna să fac parte dintr-un mediu de lucru excelent. Cultura companiei Joyson și sprijinul pe care l-am primit din partea colegilor mi-au făcut munca foarte plăcută și m-au determinat să aleg cu mare încredere această organizație." Robert Ruja Romania
  • I became part of Joyson Safety Systems in April 2016, employed as a receptionist for the company. During the period working with the company, I was given an opportunity as a graduate in Communications Management to enhance my career in by part-taking in activities such as training; educational and informative workshops; and other developmental programmes. I have sharpened and increased my skills and abilities through my involvement with HR, Admin and other secretarial duties.
    Working at JSS Durban did not compel me to just being a receptionist, I was given platforms to further my knowledge in various areas through the interaction with all departments at JSS Durban. Today, I am able to work independently as an Admin clerk, including heading social responsibility programmes within the company.
    Zukiswa Sidzumo Communications Mgmt., South Africa
  • "Do you know this feeling of “already seen”, when you cross a face, when you go to a place, when you perform a job? A feeling that gives you passion and puts you at ease right away ... well, this was the case for me at Joyson Safety Systems, I had this feeling to know this company, to be part of it well before my arrival.
    I remember my first day at the company; a mixture of quite contradictory emotions; at the same time worried about this new experience which has just opened up to me and happy with my transition from school to business ... but, above, all I was very satisfied by the quality of my induction and welcoming manner which allowed me to quickly familiarize myself with the workplace thanks to an easy and fluid access to a friendly team.
    Certainly, it is not coffee that awakens our eyes; and that best animates our bodies and our brains, but it is this motivation, passion and willingness to participate and continue to learn and be an active part of a team. Joyson offers me this positive experience which allowed me - thanks to the precious directives, the quality of on-the-job trainings and supervision - to create good Work Relationships, to put into practice my theoretical knowledge and rediscover the engineering profession."
    Khaoula El Fadily Process Engineer, Morocco
  • Mein beruflicher Werdegang bei der Joyson Safety Systems Aschaffenburg GmbH begann im November 2017 als Werkstudentin im Group Accounting. Nach Abgabe der Bachelorarbeit wurde ich als Mitarbeiterin in Vollzeit übernommen.

    Durch die Offenheit der Kolleginnen und Kollegen und die Miteinbeziehung in viele Themengebiete konnte ich bis heute viele praktische Erfahrungen sammeln und Einblicke in das externe Rechnungswesen eines weltweit operierenden Konzernes erhalten. Vor allem gefallen hat mir hierbei die eigenständige Arbeitsweise, die mir seitens meiner Kollegen bereits von Anfang und bis heute ermöglicht wurde. Die enge Zusammenarbeit des Group Accounting mit dem Financial Accounting verschaffte mir zudem Einblicke in Themengebiete dieses Bereichs, so dass es mir auch möglich war die Schnittstellen dieser Abteilungen kennenzulernen. Bei aufkommenden Fragen standen und stehen mir meine Kollegen stets zur Seite und nehmen sich immer Zeit, um mir Prozesse und Hintergründe zu erklären.

    Ich freue mich auf weitere spannende Themengebiete, sowie auf das Aufgabengebiet, welches ich seit Mitte April betreue und bin dankbar für die Erfahrung, die ich dank meiner Kollegen sammeln konnte!

    Elisa Keller Finance Accountant, Germany
  • Das Studium endlich erfolgreich absolviert, jetzt beginnt etwas komplett Neues.
    Aufgaben und Herausforderungen, mit denen man noch nie zu tun hatte. Wenn man dann das Vertrauen und die Hilfe der, gerade erst kennengelernten, Arbeitskollegen bekommt, als würde man schon immer dazu gehören, ist das ein wahnsinnig gutes Gefühl.
    Der perfekte Start für einen neuen Abschnitt!
    André Groß Germany